Presented by Eva Lucena and the Alborada Spanish Dance Theater at Temple Sholom. Fee is $5.00.
Learn, look, and listen to the story of the rise of Flamenco due to Sephardic influences. Most Sephardic Jews left Spain in 1492, but those that stayed joined forces with the Gypsies and Moors, and new songs and dances were born. Songs in Ladino and Hebrew. Dances such as the Bulerias, Gypsy Rumba, Antique Gypsy Tango.
Sponsored by Yearn to Learn (Y2L, a program of the Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties that has been created by retired and semi-retired persons looking for high quality, interactive learning experiences in small, local group settings which promote stimulating group interaction, self-exploration and interpersonal connection.